Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Baby Update

Today I am 36 weeks! We tried so hard to keep the babies in and now that they are allowed to come, they don't want to! I'm no longer on bedrest, but carrying around 12 pounds of babies is never comfortable, so I'm not moving around too much these days. My scheduled C-Section is on August 4th (I will be 38 weeks). If they come any earlier I'll let you know!


Melissa P said...

So excited for you!!!! I cant wait to see the beautiful little girls!

Eddie and Amber said...

that is so exciting!! you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. call me if you need anything...up until august 15th anyways. i'll miss you! good luck when they do get here.

Unknown said...

Almost there! You did such a good job convincing them they wanted to stay that now they don't want to leave ;) In a few weeks, when we're both done with this whole gig, I say we throw a not-preggo-anymore party... and do things like eat hot dogs and soft cheeses... or something like that :)

Sheri said...

2 more weeks - you can do it! You'll be so glad they stayed in longer when they're healthier and bigger and you won't have to wake them up in the middle of the night to eat! I firmly believe the bigger the baby, the better they sleep. I'm excited to see them.

Melany said...

i'm so glad that you and the babies are doing well! and seriously, even though you're ready right now, the better they stay in the longer. every day gives them an advantage in terms of development. i'm excited to see pictures of your little girls! i hope everything goes well!!