People ask me all the time, "How is life with twins?" Motherhood is motherhood no matter how many kids you have. You start doing things that probably make you look a little crazy. I was telling my sister about some of the odd habits I have picked up and she thought they were much funnier than I did and told me I should blog about it. So, Rachel, this is for you.
This conversation happened during Sacrament Meeting while both girls were sleeping.
Dallin: "I'm tired."
Me: "We'll get you home, feed you, and put you to bed."
No, I was not trying to be comical and as soon as I said it I realized what I said and Dallin and I both had a terrible case of the giggles during Sacrament Meeting.
I'm so used to holding a baby in my arms and every once in a while leaning over to give her a kiss on the head that I've started kissing anything in my hands. I've kissed straws, forks, bottles...etc. Dallin finds this very entertaining and keeps a tally of everything that I've kissed subconsciously.
Am I completely crazy?